Velika crowdfunding kampanja je počela!
Doniraj za lansiranje satelita i ne propusti priliku ispisati povijest i postati dijelom budućnosti Hrvatske!
Doniraj za lansiranje satelita i ne propusti priliku ispisati povijest i postati dijelom budućnosti Hrvatske!
Donate for the launch of the satellite and don't miss the opportunity to make history and become part of Croatia's future!
Stay tuned and prepare for one of the most important upcoming events – the launch of the first Croatian satellite!
Company Spacemanic and Society for Out-of-Frame Education (EVO) initiated the project of making, programming and launching the first nanosatellite in orbit fueled by Croatian know-how and advanced technologies!
For a successful mission we need 130,000 EUR, and as a fuel we need a lot of knowledge, good will and everyone’s contribution!
You can be a star of our CroCube mission by financially helping us realize the project, and in return we will send you some cool promo materials, as well as launch your name into space!
Every backer will, after processing the payment, receive thank-you letter via e-mail for supporting the CroCube mission.
Still didn’t manage to see our crowdfunding campaign? Check out, and make sure to follow us on social media, as well as apply for a newsletter.
CroCube mission is the start of a Croatian space era!
Launch is planned for the second half of 2023, via Falcon 9 rocket, owned by space giant Space X.
We want to encourage the technological development of Croatia and the creation of an advanced society oriented towards prosperity, innovation and space projects!
The importance of the CroCube mission has been recognized by many experts in the field of space technologies. Check what result and contribution they expect from our cube!
I love Croatia. I want Croatia to focus on building a better, more advanced future. That our focus should be challenging technological and scientific projects. Croatia is a country with great potential and has a lot to offer besides "sun and sea". I want us to prove it together!
Dreams are a powerful force that stimulates creativity, and the stars inspire them the most. Reaching the stars has many challenges with many steps. CroCube is a small step into space, but a big leap for Croatia.
In Croatia, we have several fantastic colleagues who work for Spacemanic, which is why we decided to help build the first Croatian satellite and repeat the success story of Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
The launch of the first Croatian satellite is very important to us among all other efforts for Croatia to become an associate member of the ESA agency as soon as possible. Our neighbors Slovenia and Hungary are far ahead of us in the field of space technology.
The launch of the satellite will be a strong incentive for our young people to dedicate themselves to science and technology and everything that falls under STEM.
The benefits of a venture like CroCube are immeasurable, young scientists and those who will become one will cross a high ladder and thus pave the way for others who will struggle with even greater challenges. The Croatian Radio Amateur Association gives unreserved support to CroCube and is willing to participate in its implementation.
Space exploration is a concept that allows for big dreams. Let's make our dreams come true together, build space nasa, without borders. Please donate generously, be a part of space Croatia.
The crowdfunding platform, by supporting the CroCube project to launch the first Croatian satellite into space, wants to contribute to the creation of preconditions for the development of the autonomous Croatian space sector , encourage the development of new programs whose goal is the integration and cooperation of the academic and business sectors in the field of high technologies.
You can only be proud of the hard work done - and I'm sure that we will all be proud when the CroCube flies over Croatia!
Space activities are important for every country, as is investment in STEM fields. The launch of the CroCube satellite has the potential for a number of activities in that area, important for Croatia.
Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to find out all the ways you can support CroCube and help us launch Croatia into the future.
Company Spacemanic and organization A3 (Adriatic Aerospace Association) initiated the project of making, programming and launching the first nanosatellite in orbit fueled by Croatian know-how and advanced technologies!
For a successful mission we need 130,000 EUR, and as a fuel we need a lot of knowledge, good will and everyone’s contribution!
You can be a star of our CroCube mission by financially helping us realize the project, and in return we will send you some cool promo materials, as well as launch your name into space!
Every backer will, after processing the payment, receive thank-you letter via e-mail for supporting the CroCube mission.
Still didn’t manage to see our crowdfunding campaign? Check out, and make sure to follow us on social media, as well as apply for a newsletter.
CroCube mission is the start of a Croatian space era!
Launch is planned for the second half of 2023, via Falcon 9 rocket, owned by space giant Space X.
We want to encourage the technological development of Croatia and the creation of an advanced society oriented towards prosperity, innovation and space projects!
The importance of the CroCube mission has been recognized by many experts in the field of space technologies. Check what result and contribution they expect from our cube!
I love Croatia. I want Croatia to focus on building a better, more advanced future. That our focus should be challenging technological and scientific projects. Croatia is a country with great potential and has a lot to offer besides "sun and sea". I want us to prove it together!
Dreams are a powerful force that stimulates creativity, and the stars inspire them the most. Reaching the stars has many challenges with many steps. CroCube is a small step into space, but a big leap for Croatia.
In Croatia, we have several fantastic colleagues who work for Spacemanic, which is why we decided to help build the first Croatian satellite and repeat the success story of Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
The launch of the first Croatian satellite is very important to us among all other efforts for Croatia to become an associate member of the ESA agency as soon as possible. Our neighbors Slovenia and Hungary are far ahead of us in the field of space technology.
The launch of the satellite will be a strong incentive for our young people to dedicate themselves to science and technology and everything that falls under STEM.
The benefits of a venture like CroCube are immeasurable, young scientists and those who will become one will cross a high ladder and thus pave the way for others who will struggle with even greater challenges. The Croatian Radio Amateur Association gives unreserved support to CroCube and is willing to participate in its implementation.
Svemirsko istraživanje je koncept koji dozvoljava velike snove. Ostvarimo naše snove zajedno, gradimo svemirsku nasu, bez granica. Molim vas, donirajte velikodušno, budite dio svemirske Hrvatske.
Crowdfunding platforma podrškom projektu CroCube za lansiranje prvog hrvatskog satelita u svemir želi dati doprinos stvaranju preduvjeta za razvoj autonomnog hrvatskog svemirskog sektora, potaknuti razvoj novih programa čiji je cilj integracija i suradnja akademskog i poslovnog sektora u području visokih tehnologija.
Ponosan možeš biti samo na napravljen težak posao – i ja sam siguran da ćemo svi biti ponosni kada CroCube proleti iznad Hrvatske!
Svemirske aktivnosti važne su za svaku zemlju, kao i ulaganje u STEM područja. Lansiranje CroCube satelita nosi potencijal za niz aktivnosti u tome području, važnih za Hrvatsku.
Stay tuned and prepare for one of the most important upcoming events – the launch of the first Croatian satellite!
Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to find out all the ways you can support CroCube and help us launch Croatia into the future.